Business and Personal Succession Planning

To provide advice and support to clients in need of direction in these matters too often ignored or neglected.


Whether you intend to run your business for many years or only want to be in it for a few it is vital to plan for changing ownership of your business. You might be considering passing it on to family, key employees or selling it. The process can be quite involved depending on business structures and there are taxation, personal retirement and estate planning issues to be considered.


We believe one-third of all adult Autralians do not have a Will. Presently Death Duties do not apply, which probably encourages inactivity in arranging a Will. Problems do occur that could be avoided, and we strongly recommend that everyone has a Will prepared with proper direction and guidance from professionals. A will can reduce family disputes, loss of assets and unnecessary delays in the estate administration.

It is important for those who have Wills that they review their Wills periodically to ensure the legal documents still represents their intentions. Changes may be required and we are prepared to assist. Plan now to protect your family and gain peace of mind.


Estate Planning means arranging your financial affairs during your lifetime to achieve specific objectives. Your objectives may include legal minimisation of income tax, company tax, capital gains tax and preservation of family assets. We can advise and provide a plan to meet your special needs.

Planning may include the formation of suitable business structures, superannuation succession, investment portfolio review and consideration of retirement and pension benefits.


The role of Executor is improtant to ensure that your wishes are attended to and that the administration is efficiently carried out. To choose a good friend to act as your executor may not be appropriate. Experience in estate administration is imperitive, and we at Berry & Grosser, offer to act as an executor with a member of your family. We believe that with our knowledge of your affairs that it is appropriate to offer our services. Please arrange your Will now and give careful consideration to the pesons you propose to nominate as your Executors.


We offer these services and guarantee personal service as we are not too large and inflexible in our approach to supporting and meeting your needs.

This article is not a substitute for independent professional advice. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information or material in this article. All information is subject to change without notice. We and each party providing material displayed in this article disclaim liability to all persons or organisations in relation to any action(s) taken on the basis of currency or accuracy of the information or material, or any loss or damage suffered in connection with that information or material. You should make your own enquiries before entering into any transaction on the basis of the information or material in this article. Please ensure you contact us to discuss your particular circumstances and how the information provided applies to your situation.