Taxation Services

Taxation planning is a particularly complex accounting field and one in which Berry & Grosser has considerable expertise. In times of rapid change, such as we are experiencing here in Australia, it is vital that corporate executives have access to the most up-to-date tax law information and professional, competent advice. Our team of taxation professionals constantly keep abreast of developments in all taxation areas.


Taxation planning, the preparation of income tax returns, handling taxation objections, enquiries and investigations àre specialised procedures. Particularly now, when Australia has more forms of taxation than ever before.

Our Partners and senior personnel liaise closely with clients on all business and personal taxation matters. It is our goal to assist our clients to legally minimize their taxation responsibilities to encourage and enhance the growth of their businesses.


The regulations controlling capital gains tax are very complex and warrant careful consideration when business transactions are being planned.

It is our task to provide expert information on what activities attract this type of tax and on assets which can or cannot, be disposed of without incurring the tax. Clients who are transferred to overseas positions also need advice on the storing or disposal of Australian assets in regard to capital gains tax.


A particularly complex paert of the Australian taxation scene, fringe benefits tax can be a nightmare to deal with unless you gain expert advice. Accurate records are essential for all employees and the fringe benefits they receive from you, their employers, or from your suppliers on your behalf. Our Partners can advise on establishing manageable record systems, on what is defined as a fringe benefit, and how to calculate the tax payable.


The preparation of monthly or quarterly tax returns can be a complex and time consuming burden on managerial time. By passing the task over to our team of taxation experts you are assured of prompt, accurate service and advice.


As it is payable in each State in which a company operates, and each State government has slightly different legislation covering it, dealing with payroll tax can be a complex process.

We offer expert assistance with the preparation of payroll tax returns. Advice is also available on the tax liability taking into account grouping provisions, interstate operations and exempt remunerations.

This article is not a substitute for independent professional advice. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information or material in this article. All information is subject to change without notice. We and each party providing material displayed in this article disclaim liability to all persons or organisations in relation to any action(s) taken on the basis of currency or accuracy of the information or material, or any loss or damage suffered in connection with that information or material. You should make your own enquiries before entering into any transaction on the basis of the information or material in this article. Please ensure you contact us to discuss your particular circumstances and how the information provided applies to your situation.